The Seriality of Eventuality
Does causality always moves forward linearly ?
It seems like our current scientific paradigm implies, afaik, a potential infinite (spatial) expansion of our Universe, but in other moments in the History of Science, a cyclical Expansion-Contraction quality of Physical Space has been derived from the Relativistic framework; so it would seem that our interpretation of this characteristic of the physical reality can be subjected to change at any given time.
So far, independently of our volumetric calculations, it would seem (at least to me), that the “unidirectionality of time” is the factor that seems to offer the most reliability in the understanding of events, objects, and the relations that seems to emerge from the “unavoidable sequentiality of causality”, the apparent “irreversibility of time” and the consequential “seriality of eventuality”.
But, are there some sequences of events just pure formalities, does causality always moves forward linearly in the arrow of time ?